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AbeBooks - Signed Books

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nnedi Okorafor book signing 6/16 @ 57th Street Books Chicago

In a far-future, post-apocalyptic Saharan Africa, genocide plagues one region. When the only surviving member of a slain village is brutally raped, she manages to escape, wandering farther into the desert. She gives birth to a baby girl with hair and skin the color of sand, and instinctively knows her daughter is different. She names her daughter Onyesonwu, which means "Who Fears Death?" in an ancient African tongue.

Reared under the tutelege of a mysterious and traditional shaman, Onyesonwu discovers she possesses a remarkable and unique magic. The journey to fulfill her destiny will force her to confront nature, tradition, history, the spiritual mysteries of her culture, and eventually to learn why she was given the unusual name she bears: Who Fears Death?
Thursday, June 16th at 6pm
57th Street Books, 1301 E. 57th Street 

57th Street Books
1301 E. 57th Street

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