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AbeBooks - Signed Books

Sunday, August 7, 2011

E-Book Review: Speaking of Lust by Lawrence Block Grade A

Speaking of Lust by Lawrence Block
Grade: A

"Speaking of Lust" is Block's contribution to the anthology of the same name that he edited, available now for the first time individually.  It was the first of what Block planned to be seven books, each themed around each of the deadly sins. The series, at least for now, seems to have been abandoned after the second, "Speaking of Greed."

Lust is the story of five men telling their tales of lust collected over their careers as a priest, policeman, doctor, soldier and "old man," each offering their own insights into the subject. It's a quick read, not only because of it's length but also because of Block's typical breezy writing style. A great way to pass an hour or so.

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